You realize you know little about raising chickens as soon as your first flock arrives. It can be an uphill task, especially when you don't know where to start. Luckily, you're not the only person who goes through this stage. Many people find themselves in this predicament because they pick up chicken raising as a hobby.
Although the internet seems to have all the answers, books provide a massive wealth of knowledge and experience. You have to follow standard procedures to raise a healthy flock and high-quality eggs. The following books will help you raise both healthy chickens and other small birds. 1. Melissa Caughey — How To Speak ChickenAfter spending a lot of time watching and studying chicken behavior, Melissa Caughey wrote a masterpiece to get you started. How To Speak Chicken is a super fun book that helps you interpret your chicken's gestures and sounds. You get to learn everything from the call of a mother about to lay eggs to the cute baby sounds. It is an excellent book choice if you are thinking of raising chicken with the entire family. 2. Kathy Shea Mormino — The Chicken Chick's Guide to Backyard ChickensAre you thinking of raising chicken for commercial purposes or as a hobby? Poultry farming is very different from backyard farming. While one focuses on meat and egg production, the other is about raising healthier chicken in a happy and safe environment. Kathy Shea Mormino provides the insight you need to raise healthy and happy chickens in your backyard. 3. Gail Damerow — The Chicken Health HandbookRaising chickens comes with one enormous downside — diseases and ailments. The Chicken Health Handbook gives you all the information about potential diseases that might affect your chicken. Chapters include chicken anatomy, health and nutrition, diagnostic guides, parasites, treatment, and so much. Avoid costly veterinary visits by following the tips and tricks presented by Gail Damerow. 4. Lisa Steele — Fresh Eggs DailyAmericans are getting cautious about what they eat. If you need a guide on getting high-quality eggs in your backyard, consider reading this book. Lisa Steele's Fresh Eggs Daily helps the reader choose the right breed and care for them correctly. It contains all the information you need to get healthier meat and eggs right from your backyard. 5. Harvey Ussery — The Small-Scale Poultry FlockHarvey Ussery presents an all-natural approach to raising chickens in this must-have book. Interestingly, The Small-Scale Poultry Flock covers both chickens and other fowl. It emphasizes the need for quality over quantity, whether raising chickens for personal or commercial purposes. Don't Just Read, Treat Your ChickensRaising chicken is simple once you understand a few procedures and techniques. However, every chicken-raising book will emphasize the need for a healthy diet for your flock. At PopWorms!, we provide healthy and high-nutrient treats for your backyard chicken. Ensure you contact us today to give your feathered friends something they will love.